Sabrina Hilchner
Yoga & Somatic Bodywork (Pantarei Approach)
Hi. I'm Sabrina and with great enthusiasm a Yoga teacher and Pantarei Approach practitioner.
Even as a child I was very interested in touch. My partners for this were our dogs and my horse, and so there were hours of massages, which allowed me a different kind of communication.
Here you can learn a little about my way - what I did back then, how I came to Yoga and the Pantarei Approach, and what my path in this field looks like so far.
The time before yoga
With a degree in International Business with a focus on marketing in my backpack, I went to Berlin for a 6-year job at Universal Music, where I was able to work in various positions and gain a lot of different experiences.
This was followed by a year of sales in the area of online marketing at Plista.
At a certain moment during my career, however, I knew that this was not my world. It took time (a few years!) and various internships and mini-jobs, in the fields of speech therapy, funeral services and jewellery production to find out where I belonged.

My Yoga and Pantarei Approach Path
The initiating moment came when, after a week of headaches, I ended up at a Pain Release Massage, which was based on a somatic bodywork approach. After the session the headache was gone and I had incredible clarity and knew THIS is what I want to do. That moment gave me the final, decisive kick to turn my life around. One thing led to another, and so I was registered for the inaugural Pantarei Approach training.
That was also the moment when I decided to do a Yoga teacher training.
In the previous years I had come across Yoga again and again, I had been to different courses in Berlin, got to know different teachers and styles and regularly took part in the company Yoga classes.
However, I really fell in love with Yoga when spending a month by myself on La Gomera. There, I was able to take private classes, from which I took my very own daily practice. And it was so unbelievably good. The power and deep effect of Yoga became noticeable and clear to me.
After a lot of research and conversations with trained Yoga teachers, I decided to train with Element Yoga in Berlin, which turned out to be very right and which fit so wonderfully with the Pantarei Approach.
The changes in my life continued and I ended up in Portugal, where I did another great Yoga teacher training with Globalmanu in Lisbon, which gave me more knowledge, new approaches and also a great overview of Yoga for surfers and athletes.
For a year I went back and forth between Berlin and Lisbon, until I finally moved to Lisbon at the end of 2017.
After nine years in Berlin, however, I had to realise that I have had enough of city life.
And so, after an exciting year in Lisbon, I went up to the north of Portugal. Here in beautiful Moledo, I teach and really enjoy the connection to nature and a generally slower lifestyle.